A configurable product is one for which different options are available.
Every design variation, unsurprisingly called a variant, is its own product. Re-using platforms, modules, and parts makes sense: it costs less, uses what you already have and know, and lets you meet customer demand for ‘personalized’ products. One bicycle can become a hundred different models thanks to modular parts.
But you only benefit from efficiencies and lower costs if you can quickly produce product configurations that work. Spreadsheets and CAD file-based approaches help for a while, but they’re relatively informal ways to associate potentially workable options with CAD models. When’s the last time you sought to add informality to a key business process? We thought so.
Creo Options Modeler, an extension to Creo Parametric or a stand-alone product, allows you to create and work with configurable structures. When you combine Creo Options Modeler with Windchill, you can manage complex configuration logic easily, including content that comes from PTC or third-party applications.
Learn more about Unite Technology, capabilities to address the challenges of multi-CAD environments